Have you ever seen google inc from the inside before ?

For the first time , Google the most famous search engine on the internet showed us Its technical facilities and the data centers , also the servers center which serve millions of people around the world .

Friday, May 24, 2013

Hydrogen on Demand: Fuel Systems

A car running on water? That may sound ridiculous but it is true; you can now run your car using water and a hydrogen fuel system. Fuel systems are gaining popularity all over the world because it not only cut down gasoline expenses but it can also help in reducing global warming and pollution. 

A lot of problems are faced by people today. One is the never-ending increase of gas prices in the world market. Whenever there is an increase in gas prices, the prices of basic commodities will follow suit. The cost of living a decent life nowadays is quite expensive. Is there a way to save money? 

Of course there is and that is through the hydrogen fuel systems. Hydrogen is in high demand at present and after many years of studies, it has been proven that hydrogen can be used to fuel cars and even provide the necessary power to homes. 

A great number of drivers waste money by purchasing hybrid cars which costs about $20,000. Well here’s the truth – you don’t need a new hybrid car because you can convert your existing car by yourself. You can convert your existing car to run using water through ‘hydrogen on-demand fuel system’.

If you want to keep abreast with the advancing technology, then you should get the new fuel system to power you automobile. With less than $200, you can already convert your car and use the latest hydrogen technology. Do you see the difference in the cost between purchasing a hybrid car and by simply converting one? You can save about $19,800; that’s a lot of money. 

By using the fuel system, gas is burned more efficiently thereby increasing mileage. If you’re going to install the system by yourself, you have to ensure that it is properly installed. With the system incorporated in your car, you can expect less heat emissions, quiet running, less vibration, and smoother gear shifting. The life of the car engine is lengthened with the use of the system since the engine is able to clean itself and the parts are not prone to excessive wear and tear. 

The system is not difficult to understand. It is simple and not at all complicated. The actual car engine is not modified upon the installation of the fuel system. If you want to remove it, you can easily do so in a minute. You can even claim for IRS refunds if you like. Among the great reasons to use the system is to diminish pollution. Environmentalists believe that by using hydrogen on-demand fuel systems, pollution can be reduced to a great extent. They encourage car owners to convert to the hydrogen fuel system now. 

If you think that it is all hype, why don’t you check the internet for customer testimonials and product reviews?  There you will see that a lot of car owners are satisfied with hydrogen fuel systems. Have your car converted now and experience the same thing. 

Use the popular search engines like Yahoo and Google and type the words ‘hydrogen on-demand fuel systems’. You can get thousands of positive search results. By then, you will be convinced to make a change in your car.

For those who want to save the environment for further deterioration, make use of the alternative fuel energy now. Choose hydrogen fuel systems.

Different Features That You Should Definitely Look For When Purchasing Elliptical Machines

Different Features That You Should Definitely Look For When Purchasing Elliptical Machines

Purchasing anything can be confusing for many people, which is why it is always best to read over some online reviews or other things, before spending any amount of money on something. With elliptical machines, there are many different features that you should definitely be looking for when considering making your purchase. Throughout this article that is what I am going to discuss with you, some helpful hints on different features that are available with certain elliptical machines, so that it will hopefully help you with your decision when you purchase an elliptical machine for yourself. 

Some of the features that you want to be sure and look for whenever you are considering purchasing any type of elliptical machine would include things such as, different incline settings, adjustable speeds for more intense training and different types of reverse elliptical movements for different areas on your body that forward motions simply do not take care of. Elliptical machines, when used with some knowledge and your determination, can give you one of the best workouts that you have possibly ever had before now. 

Making any adjustments necessary while you are training on elliptical machines can mean all of the difference in the world, when it comes to how successful you are at reaching your set goals and maintaining a high enough heart rate to actually get the job done and done right. Elliptical machines, without the variety of features, can actually hurt you more than help you because if your overall body is not being worked, you are not going to get the type of results that you really want for yourself and everybody wants results, there is no doubt about that, we do not want to just spin our wheels, wearing ourselves out, without noticing the difference in our overall appearance. 

If you are unsure whether or not the elliptical machines that you are looking at have all of these features that I am telling you about, please make sure that you ask someone working there, so that you can make sure you are purchasing the best elliptical machine for yourself, one that you will for sure get the most benefits from using. These things cost too much money for you to end up with one that only ends up disappointing you, so take your time when you are making your purchase. 

Elliptical machines come in all shapes, sizes and prices ofcourse. Making the best purchase for yourself will be much easier if you first spend some time gathering different and important information regarding this type of equipment. The more that you can learn about the elliptical machines, the better off you will be and the more likely you are to find the one that gets you into that bikini that you have been wanting and anticipating wearing now, for way too long. 

Think about the features you are wanting and make sure that the elliptical machines you look at when you are out shopping, have these available features and that everything works efficiently for you. Good luck!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The advantages of hydrogen fuel cells

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells – Its Advantages

Have you heard about the latest technology that has caught the attention of environmentalists worldwide? Hydrogen technology is not new and it has been around for many years now. Continuous developments with the technology is being pushed through various governments and institutions because they can see a lot of advantages by using an alternative source of energy like hydrogen fuel. 

Currently, converted cars are now using hydrogen fuel. Car engines are typically gasoline powered but with the introduction of hydrogen fuel, car owners can choose between hydrogen fuel and gasoline to power their vehicle. 

Here are the advantages of using hydrogen and fuel cells:

• Fuel cells aren’t dangerous. If you frequently surf the net, you’ve probably heard some myths about hydrogen. Fuel cells are easy to operate and are not hazardous. The reason why a lot of people view hydrogen negatively is because of the 1937 zeppelin accident in Hindenburg. The accident was recorded and publicized extensively. That happened many years ago but with today’s advanced hydrogen technology, the use of hydrogen and fuel cells is not something to be scared of.

• Hydrogen provides plenty of energy. Fuel cells are powered with HHO gas and this is similar to water vapor. You will only use water and the HHO generator will do its task. It will separate hydrogen from oxygen molecules. The power of the generator will come from the separated hydrogen. Water is available anywhere, not unless your in a desert, scarcity is not an issue. With the scarcity of oil, it’s no wonder why its price is soaring higher and higher every year.

Using hydrogen fuel in automobiles has some benefits. You see, a lot of people want to take advantage of free things. Well, hydrogen is more or less free. The source of hydrogen is water and the HHO cell found in the car’s engine separates it. You can get water from your faucet or in any other water source. You will surely cut down your fuel expenses. 

Another good thing about fuel cells is that you can help save the environment. Fuel emissions from cars can harm the environment and if you’re using hydrogen fuel, you will decrease the emission of greenhouse gases. Global warming is a threat to the planet and through hydrogen, you can help save the entire planet. 

By using this hydrogen fuel cell technology, you can reduce your fuel consumption to a great extent and save lots of money. Now, why did scientists and researchers find this technology viable? The reason is that hydrogen technology is much more affordable now. In fact, car companies will soon offer the public with affordable hydrogen powered vehicles.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How to Build a Hydrogen Fuel Cell ( hhofuelcells.com)

1. Quart-sized water container

2. Vacuum hose

3. Electrical wiring to be used in connecting the car battery to an HHO generator

4. Baking soda

If you don’t want to trouble yourself in purchasing the materials one by one, you can also buy HHO car kits. You can get the kits online or major local stores. 

Once you have the different materials needed to build the fuel cells, you should be able to put them together properly. This is not hard to do as long as you have decent handyman skills. Building rocket power is definitely easy as compared to rocket science. The hydrogen fuel cells as mentioned awhile ago are not complicated and if you purchase the kits, it is equipped with step by step instructions in building the fuel cells. 

So what’s it going to be? Are you going to purchase the materials one by one and later on research for the procedure on the net? Or are you going to opt for the HHO car kits? The choice will greatly depend on the individual. Oftentimes, price is a great factor when choosing between these two options. Well, it’s all up to you now. Just make sure that you choose the most cost effective way. 

If you choose to purchase the materials one by one, you still need to find the needed information on how to build the hydrogen fuel cells. This is not a big problem and you have the internet to thank for. You can find all the needed resources online to help you build the fuel cells. You can print the instructions to guide you every step of the way. 

On the other hand, if you opt for the HHO car kits, you hit two birds with one stone. All the materials needed to build the fuel cell are included in the kit and you don’t have to research online for the instructions because it also included in the kit. 

If you want to enjoy an unlimited supply of useful and clean energy, build your own HHO fuel cell now. As long as you know how to read and comprehend, you can build the fuel cells in no time. If you want, you can also ask help from friends and other family members.

Life Of an anti Virus Program

Life Of an anti Virus Program 

The millions viruses prices firms on every occasion they strike. it's but not solely firms that ar suffering 
from the damages caused by viruses. a pandemic will be even as damaging if no more for a non-public net user by destroying vital documents, family photos and everything else you retain on your pcso ought to no computing device be while not an honest virus protection software packagethis fashion you'll be able to shield your pcand yourself from loosing knowledge, corrupted onerous drives and variety of alternative issues

There ar many anti virus programs accessible of that some ar free and a few aren'tyou ought to but foreverbear in mind that you just would possibly get what you paying for, that means that the service and therefore the updates may well be higher for the paid alternatives and thereby shield your pc higher.

The Importance Of Having A Anti-virus On Your Computer

The Importance Of Having A Anti-virus On Your Computer

All of us who accept computers apparently accept an anti-virus of some affectionate on it. One affair you may not apperceive is that a lot of times those anti-virus aegis for your computer comes alone for a bound bulk of time.I consistently anticipation I had a anti-virus aegis on my computer. I would accumulate accepting a pop up adage your cable needs to be renewed. I consistently abandoned it because I didn't apperceive what it was for.It angry out that was my Mcfee Anti-Virus aegis and I no best had it on my computer because I didn't renew it.

I was active my adequately new computer with no Anti-virus on it. I did not apperceive it was so important to accept it until my step-daughter told me her computer had crashed. I asked why that happened,because she absent a lot of her plan that was stored in her computer. She told me it was abounding of bacilli because she didn't accept the able anti-virus aegis on it. I anticipate it is affectionate of funny that a computer can get a virus,but it is not funny at all.

There are so abounding humans that drudge into added peoples computers and could could cause all kinds of bacilli on your computer.After I was told about this I actually wasn't abiding how to get a anti-virus aegis on my computer. I anticipation they would amount a lot of money,but it turns out there is abounding chargeless sites that you can download for free. These chargeless anti-virus aegis works just as able-bodied as the ones you accept to pay money for.

One affair I aswell abstruse is to bright out the accolade on your computer. It will could could cause your computer to apathetic down if you accept a lot of things stored in it.Without the anti-virus aegis you accept to apprehend with all the advice you accept stored can be afraid into. To get to your accolade on your computer just go to alpha on your desktop and again go to run. A box will appear up and just blazon in accolade and browse and that will cull up every website you accept gone to while you accept had your computer.

You can annul all that being except area is says index.It will not let you annul that out. So it doesn't yield so continued to annul you can highlight aggregate and hit annul on you keyboard and aggregate you accent will be deleted automatically.

You may anticipate all of this actually doesn't amount but it is actual important to accept an anti-virus aegis plan on your computer and to accumulate your accumulation bankrupt out so you don't get bacilli that will accomplish your computer crash. You aswell accept a lot beneath anguish about with all the allocution about identification artifice because of altered types of anti virus programs that are now available. Identification artifice can actually ruin and your family's life.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Useful time management tips for you

Do you have a problem with time management?  If you do, you have two main options.  One of those options and often the most popular is to continue on with your normal activities.  Unfortunately, doing so may have a negative impact on your personal life, as well as your work life.  The other option is to make a change.  The good news is that there a number of steps that you can take to improve your time management.

Know That You Have a Problem

Knowing that you have a time management problem is the first step in changing your behavior.  Although it is typical to be late for work or a social event on occasion, it is something that should not be happening on a daily or a weekly basis.  If it is, it is time for you to realize that you may have a problem.

 Rely On Time Management Tools

Properly managing your time is important, but it can be hard for many individuals to get use to, especially right away.  If you are one of those individuals, you will want to consider using time management tools to your advantage.  In fact, did you know that many cell phones and computers come with alarm clocks, alerts, and so much more?


Learning how to prioritize is another important component of being able to properly manage your time.  It is important to remember that the day and its time is limited.  If you have a family and a fulltime job, you may find it difficult or downright impossible to get everything done.  If that is the case, be sure to prioritize.  You can leave the lesser important tasks, such as dusting your house as opposed to doing laundry for later or the following day.

One of the many reasons why people end up wasting time is because they are easily distracted.  If you feel this the main source of your time management problems, you will want to determine what your biggest distractions are.  For example, do you spend too much time socializing with coworkers after work or with the neighbors?  If so, you don’t have to completely eliminate this contact, but try to limit it.  The same can be said with television and internet use.

With a large number of serious consequences and the fact that it is easy to manage your time, there are a number of reasons why you should take steps to make an improvement.  That is why you should get started on improving your time management today. 

Helpful Time Management Tools
An alarm clock is a simple, yet effective time management tool that you can and should use.  What is nice about alarm clocks, is that most of us already have them in our homes.  Be sure to set your alarm clock to get up in the morning.  Consider resetting it five minutes before you must walk out to door to work, set it for when you want to start preparing dinner, and so forth.  Although we often associate alarm clocks with getting up in the morning, they can actually be used for so much more.

As a reminder, time management training is not required by many means, but you may find it a relatively easy and effective approach, especially when compared to terminating and rehiring new employees.

What you don't know about american idol .

Every year thousands of people from all around the country rush out to audition for American Idol.  The results are intended to provide the opportunity for everyone in the country to vote for the contestant that they feel is best for the title of American Idol.  What actually occurs usually resembles more of a piranha attacking everyone and much less similar to a good friendly conversation or contest.  In order to actually win the competition it is very important to learn how to truly make a great impression, not just on the judges but also on the viewers as well.

For those moments when you are just feeling relaxed and peaceful it can be fun to sit around and watch the jokes that occur.  After all the cheesy Ford commercials, the banter between the judges and even the occasional attitude from a contestant is all perfectly coordinated to ensure the perfect entertainment event.  Looking at the show as something that is 100% serious is usually disappointing but you are sure to find someone that you want to root for.

The Reasons that America Loved Blake Lewis

With a large number of artists, emerging all around the world it is very important to stand out in the crowd.  It is even more important to stand out in the crowd when you are auditioning for a show like American Idol.  There has been one contestant lately who has done just that, after all do you really like to watch someone who seems exactly like every other musical artist that you have ever seen?  Most people like the idea of unique style, which is exactly where Blake Lewis excelled.  As a beat boxer he mixed together beat boxing and classical songs perfectly into a truly unique style that was all his own.

If you have ever stopped and watched the American Idol contestants, try to perform various covers of songs they all tend to sound a bit like the original.  This is something that is completely different about Blake, not only did he sound completely different than the original, in some ways he was better especially for younger listeners.  With the unique mixture of beat boxing and songs that he selected he was able to capture the attention of the audience, without going on stage with a totally wild hairstyle.

Guide to Being Kicked Off American Idol

With so much going around about how to be truly successful on American Idol what happened to helping the little guy out who is just interested in some entertainment?  Not everybody sets out with the goal of actually winning the show though.  Those who are not really interested in winning find that there is very little advice offered to them.  If you want to win then obviously doing your very best is critical to getting to the final rounds.

For those looking to just have some fun on the show, not worried about whether they actually win or lose it is possible to have a lot more fun.  Stop and think about the contestants who had a ton of fun on the show.  You are likely to think of someone along the lines of Blake Lewis.  While he was an incredibly talented singer, he also took the time in each episode to inject some of himself into his performances so instead of just singing his way through each show.

If you are interested in trying to create your own special flair to the show, it is very important that you take some time to relax and actually enjoy yourself.  Without enjoying the process, you are going to find that you are struggling to actually go further.  The contestants who actually enjoy the process and procedures of the show will typically go very far, while those contestants who dislike the entire audition process.  Putting your best efforts into the show is not always easy, but enjoying the show does not mean that you have to give up all of the creativity that you have.

Useful information about antiviruses

I'll be the first to admit I did not know much about computers.I always thought when you got a computer it came with everything you needed.What I didn't know was that you always need an anti-virus on your computer to keep it from crashing.My computer of course came with that,but I did not know after a certain length of time you have to pay to renew it.

I always thought the terminally on a computer was strange.Things like anti-virus,checking the cookies,The mouse,seemed crazy to me.Well after I found out that I had been running my computer with no anti-virus program I didn't know what to do.My husband and I are on a fixed income so I couldn't really afford to buy anything else for the computer.It took me years to save up to get this computer.I never expected you could get something at no cost to you.I found out that there are many free sites to get a anti-virus program.

There are several reasons why you should use security software to protect your personal information and your computer while online. Security software offers Internet users with protection against viruses, worms, spyware and other programs that are designed to influtrate your computer system without your permission.Internet security software will help prevent identity theft. 

The Internet has changed the way the we live, we work and we play. We are connected to people and information from different parts of the world in a matter of seconds. The Internet has revolutionized the way we conduct business or look fro a job. The only negative aspect is that the Internet has created a new form of crime, cyber crime. Protect yourself while online with security software.

Most agencies are list on the web nowadays with contact information readily available.  If you receive communications that you are unsure of, call the agency first to see if the emails are legitimate. 
Do not click on or save attachments that come with government emails. Delete these files. Unfortunately, sometimes even the best security isn’t good enough. Computers are expensive, and it makes sense to protect your investment from anything that could harm it. 

The facebook zombie

Looking for fun? Do you like online games? Then Zombies is for you. Zombies is a Facebook appliance that is present in the Gambling and for Fun categories. I'll accept you apperceive what Facebook is, but in case; actuality is a fast account of what you can do at the Facebook web-site. 

You can locate accompany and aged academy mates by entering in your academy and top academy knowledge. There's lots of means to acquisition accompany on Facebook. You can seek for them appliance their e-mail address. 

Facebook is a way to accommodated new individuals who are in your area. You can accompany groups and socialize. Zombies is an appliance that can advice you accept fun and break in acquaintance with anybody while you are logged in to Facebook.

Applications like Zombies are what achieve Facebook adapted assay added acceptable sites. The adeptness to breach in associate has never been greater acceptance to Facebook and all of its different applications. With Facebook on your Smartphone, you will never be out of touch. The development of all types of applications makes ceremony individuals Facebook associate a abandoned and personal. The acceptable in my Facebook won't be actually like any other. Facebook and added applications like it acquire afflicted the way they accustom and allocation adeptness and ideas. Why not allocation Zombies by Blake and AJ alternating with your accession of friends. Get calm and activity a affluence of the undead for some time. Your accompany will allegedly like it . Facebook works best aback you allocation it alternating with your friends. While you are at it why not browse the coffer and for fun categories to accretion added applications like Zombies. 

Alpha your own accumulating of Facebook abecedarian and you'll never be blah again. The applications are free, so why not abate aloofness consistently and alpha a accumulating of Facebook games. Zombies can be the ancient of lots of blood-tingling abecedarian to come. Better yet, why not accomplish a adventurous yourself. It is not that difficult if you are a techie, assay out the developer delivery to see what you crave to do !

The great facebook zombie

Home theater, experience the entertainment of movie theaters

Home theater, experience the entertainment of movie theaters right in your own living room.

The cinema is a good place to watch movies and relax. This is because you watch the movie in a wide screen with sound that can make you easily get lost in the movie scene. The picture and the sound is the most entertaining part of the cinema experience. However, if you can bring this technology home and with lesser expense, this is definitely something you will enjoy. This is the concept only a few American homes acquire in the past years. Lately late, however, a good number of American homes are starting to be less interested in going out of their abode to watch movies. This is due to the evolution of home theater system.

A simple home theater is easy to set up. All you need is a television set that measure bigger than 27 inches, a DVD player and three speakers. These are the basic components of a home theater. This may already give you the home entertainment you can enjoy with the almost theatrical experience. Why do I say almost, when I am sure you want the perfect feeling of a movie theater. This is because there are other equipments you might add to complete the home theater experience that will ensure a cinematic experience right in your own living room. As mentioned already, you may still enhance the three basic components by adding home entertainment furniture; however, everything is dependent on the budget you set for your home theater. The size of the room is another consideration of the complete package of your home theater.

A neat advice however by home theater experts is that you need to find a good size television set for you home theater set up. A good size does not mean the biggest you can find in the store. A good size television is dependent on the place in your house where you will set up the home theater. Big is not always good for you home entertainment system. It is a recommendation, however, that the television set should not be smaller than 27 inches. This is because the projection on a smaller television might be too inferior for your home theater.

Another recommendation is for you to find speakers that will give you the surround sound from high quality brand of speakers. In addition, you need to be sure that if you do not find the speaker that gives you enough surround sound, you need to be able to return it. There are speakers that sound good in the store but when you put it in a room, it may not sound well enough that will satisfy your requirement. If the store allows replacement, then that is a good deal. In addition, you may need to choose a good quality DVD player. It is however a belief by home theater experts that all DVD players deliver clear and crisp images, although there are those that promise a flicker-free picture, almost all DVD players provide this feature. 

Knowing how big the room where you will set up your home theater will be the basis of how big the television needs to be. The size of the room is another consideration for the number of speakers. If the room is somewhat big, you may need more than the basic three speakers. Adding a subwoofer may also do good to achieve the best surround sound if your home theater is place on a huge room.

All these will give you the best home theater experience only a few in the earlier year’s experience. A home theater designer may be of big help in ensuring you will have the best home theater set up that will give you the best possible movie experience right in your own living room.

A building with 1000 doors . Amazing !

architecture is known for its beauty . but have you ever seen crazy architecture ?
 In Seoul, Korea , architects have designed a building  that consists  of 1000 doors.

Choi Guang have designed this building which broke the genuiss record . the amazing about this building is that it is not easy to find the exit door or get out of it . because if you open the wrong door , you will find yourself flying in the air .

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Flogsta ( the crazy people )

Everyday at 11:00 pm the people Flogsta Sweden start screaming ; They open the windows of their houses and start screaming for a few minuets !!.

They say that in this way they get rid of anger and pressure .

This strange tradition is called "Flogstavrål"

Friday, January 18, 2013

Most beautiful lakes in the world

Baikal, Russia

Beto, Canada.

Atitlan, Guatemala

The Pit, the United States of America.

Lomond, Scotland

Annecy. French Alps.

Garda, Italy

Nakuru, Kenya

Matheson, New Zealand.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The purest river in the world as you can see the bottom through 15m

Virzaska River in Switzerland is the purest river in the world, a crystal clear river as you can the bottom the river clearly through 15 meter depth. 

Virzaska River is 30 km long. The river became a passion for the artists and the photographers around the world for its beauty, and If you want take some photos, you have to stand on a bridge which connecting both banks of the river, or up from the mountain . 

A smart photographer managed to take some photos from the bottom of the river 

Claudio Gazzaroli 38 says the water of the river is incredibly pure and he had visited the river more than 200 times. And this is his best photo 

Virzaska River rises in Maggiore Lake where the dam of Virzaska located. Virzaska dam is one of the best places to have some bungee jumping! 

The temperature of the river is between 7 and 10 C .